There are at least 11 dimensions that we know of. It's a big place out there in the Multiverse. Let's explore it together.
"To Be or not to Be; That is the question."
There Is Only One Good Thing Worth Trying To Be And That's Love Love Love Love

Monday, October 17, 2011

Statue of Liberty

So, I got 2 Junior Junior Ranger Badges!!!!
One at the statue and one at Castle Clinton at the docks to go to her!!!!
Here are all my tourist shots!
Even though, I technically am not a tourist anymore :/


As If You Haven't Seen Enough! :)

So here is the museum INSIDE her pedestal.
So many sizes!

This is a full size model of her face.
She look so sad.


Full size model of her feet.
There's some ketchup on her big toe if you can see it....

Here she is growing up :)

Here is a sketch of the pedastol.
A doodle if you will.
If I could doodle that cutely, I would doodle for the rest of my days....

"Tears of joy streamed down my face  as we passed the Statue of Liberty...."
Statue of Liberty,
She is Loved,

She is Remembered,

She is Seen

She is Violated,

She is Used,

She is Respected though Hurt,

But She is always There.

If only by a Shadow.


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tomorrow: SOL

Can you guess what this stands for?
We're going for the first time tomorrow.

HINT: Everybody who visits NYC HAS to see this.
And of course all the pictures are the same, because it never changes!
(I'll be taking those kind of pictures, too, of course!!!!)


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fabio on Stairs of the Flying Gods of Olymus

Aren't these Fabiolous?
I was going down to the cellar to recycle, so I got Fabio to come with me.
He needed the excercise anyways.
I love this one because he looks like he's flying up the stairs super duper fast!

Here, Fabio is lifting his back legs to jump up the last steps, but he looks totally awesome!

 It's so distracting how you only see his front 2 paws and his nose, but nothing else.

 I think this looks like a time warp!

 Ot looks like he's about to attack that black umbrella!

 Why is it that every time I see this, I have to look twice?
I can't tell whether he's sitting or running.
Is it the same for you, too?

 Another time warp!
Except this time it's completely mind-bubbling!

 I love he's the very first thing you notice.
He just seems to POP out!



So, here it is continued.
Thank you, Tata!
And remember to ctrl+click to make these their full size!



My Dad took all of theses pictures.
They're really beautiful.